

From the Pastor’s Desk
In Paul’s letters (Epistles) to the early churches, the apostle begins wishing the reader Grace and Peace. These two words summarize the Christian faith. Returning to the scene at the Garden, God not only pronounced judgement on sin but He also pronounced Grace on His fallen creation. That Grace would come through the sacrifice of God’s Son, Jesus, and through Him, our sins were paid. God could then exten “mercy” to the human race. But mercy is not Grace. Mercy is the forgiveness of our sins – Mercy is “not getting what we deserve” – We a deserve death – “For the wages of sin is death”. However, because of H great love for us, God extended to us “His Grace” – “Grace is getting something that you do not deserve”. There is not a single sinner who deserves to stand righteously in the presence of a Holy God. Yet, that is where the Grace of God places us. We have free access to the very Throne of God. To all who believe we are called the children of God, even joint heirs with Christ. Because of all this, we can now experience the “Peace of God that surpasses all understanding” – Grace and Peace.

Pastor Wayne