A war is coming – This war was prophesied by Ezekiel 600 years before the birth of Christ. Ezekiel said that this war will come in “the Latter Days” of man’s history. A coalition of nations led by a man called Gog from the land of Magog will bring a surprise attack upon the Nation Israel. God will intervene to protect His people and the attacking army will be utterly destroyed. Ezekiel tells us that God will do this to let the world know that “He is God”. The land of Magog is modern day Russia and the coalition of nations that will accompany Russia will amaze you. All of them are current day haters of Israel. We are living in a time when war with Russia could happen at any time and many people believe that this war could trigger the Great Tribulation. Ezekiel’s war will happen – God’s prophecies will come to pass – And, we who believe in God’s word are now able to see this developing before our very eyes. If we are still here to see Russia marching against Israel, come on down to the church, the Rapture should soon be upon us. We are most definitely living in exciting times.

Civial War