As we continue defining our “Statement of Faith” we come to number 5 and 6 on the back of our weekly Bulletin. I am including these two together as I feel that one flows from the other and therefore can be better understood as one statement. Number 5 basically states that “man” was originally created in the image of God but “man” fell into sin and is now lost. Number 6 expands the idea that “man” cannot fix this on his own but only through the free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ can we be healed. We will look at the concept of “original sin” and why each one of us is in need of a Savior. We will come to an understanding that there is absolutely nothing that we, ourselves, can add to God’s free gift. There is no good deed good enough or works big enough that can add to our salvation. In this study today, we will come to understand all of man’s desperate needs of a Savior from the sin that is decaying both our spirit and our body. Today we will deal with “Whys” – “Howcomes” – And the “Why Me”. To all these         questions God has the ansers – Lets look at  Salvation.