Columbia River

The word “Trinity” is not in the Bible. Yet, the concept of a triunal God is taught from Genesis to Revelation. The Bible teaches that God, one God, exists eternally in three persons – Father- Son – Holy Spirit. When the Apostle John explained the person of Jesus, he wrote: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”. This statement begs the question – How can a person be with
another person and even be the person with whom you are with? The answer is of course that the Word and God are One yet they are separate. In multiple verses, the Bible explains this relationship in the concept of Father and Son. Jesus said to His diciples “When you have seen Me (Son) you have seen the Father”. The Bible also teaches that there is a third person of the Trinity – The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is that person of the God Head who indwells the believer and converts a worldly heart into a temple of the true and living God. Today, we will
look closely at the God we serve, understanding that He exists in eternity as three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.