From the Pastor’s Desk
As we enter into this Christmas Season, we are constantly bombarded with traditional celebrations: Yule logs, Christmas trees, wreaths, cards and presents, and even a visit from a large man, dressed in red and white who flies a harnessed group of reindeer across the sky. I have no problem with any of these traditions. I have a problem with people not understanding that tradition is not necessarily “truth”. When God sent forth His Son in the form of a human baby boy, He told us through His word everything that we needed to know concerning His birth. Unfortunately, tradition has blurred our understanding and most people, even Christians, get their theology from songs, cards or Hollywood script writers. We, as believers on the One He sent, need to be careful that we know the truth – “The truth will set us free”. Tradition may be fun at a Christmas party but the Savior of the world was given to mankind and God has told us the true story of His Son’s birth. Today, let us have fun looking at some of these traditional misconceptions of His birth – From Tradition to Bethlehem.
Pastor Wayne