Road to Bethlehem”. This series began with sin in the Garden – Then God’s promise to send a Savior into the world through the seed of the woman – Then a long list of Old Testament scriptures leading to the very location where this Messiah would be born into the world (the town of Bethlehem). We then looked at New Testament scriptures which told the story of His birth in that very town. Hopefully, what we have learned through this series is that God’s word is true and all of His promises have been fulfilled concerning the coming of the Savior. We, the church, are living in the blessings of these fulfilled promises. Although the story of the Messiah’s actual birth is only told to us in two of the Gospel accounts  (Matthew and Luke), the awesomeness of this birth is given to us in the Gospel of John – “The word became flesh and dwelt among us”. This is called “the incarnation”. This was when an infinite God came upon a carnate woman and a child was born as both God and man. That child was and still is
Immanel – “God with us”.