Garden and Pond

The Savior that was announced to the shepherds at the birth of Jesus should not have been a surprise to the Jewish Nation to whom He was born. This baby was the promised Messiah. He was originally promised to all mankind in Genesis 3:15 at the Garden and specifically promised to the Tribe of Judah throughout the Old Testament Scriptures. Today we begin a new mini series that will begin at the Garden and will culminate at the tiny town of Bethlehem. It must have been a great shock to the “Wise Men” when they came to Jerusalem and discovered that no one could tell them directions to the child. “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews”, they ask. Even King Herod and his advisors did not know of His coming – Only that He was to be born in Bethlehem. Today we will look to the myriad of scriptures of which every Jew in Israel should have been familiar. We will begin with the promise of God in the Garden to send “One” into the world who would “crush” the head of satan, to the prophecy of Micah who actually pinpointed that location as Bethlehem. The promises of God are etched in stone. What God promises will come to pass. This promise was of a Savior for you and for me. Today we begin to follow this Savior from the Garden to Bethlehem.