The author of our Bible (God) is well aware of our frailty and our appetite for sin. He even admits that sin seems good for a season (Hebrews 11:25-26). But, that season can and will eventually separate us from God. God would rather that we not sin at all! When we do, all He wants us to do is ask His forgiveness – Then, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins. The Apostle Paul found sin to the point of apostasy (falling away) in the early church. I wonder what he would say about the churches of today. So many people are comfortable with church on Sunday and possibly a mid-week study. The rest of the time, the same people make worldly decisions without even consulting the God they claim to serve. To God this is idolatry and all are guilty! James 4:7 -8 gives us the solution to our frailty. James tells us 2 things that we can do: (1) Submit to God, (2) Resist the devil and he will flee from us. And, the end result is that God will draw near to you. Sounds simple and it is! So, today we search for additional scriptural tools that we might use to combat the sin so readily found both in church and in our daily lives.