The title of today’s message is “Relationships”. We are all created as social beings and our Creator has put a need for others into our very existence. Included in that need, is a relationship which can only be filled spiritually. This need can only be filled by the Omnipotent God who created us. Thus, all of us have a need to believe in something more than ourselves. Unfortunately, the fulfillment of that need is most often hijacked by the enemy of our souls. Even among many Christians, that need is often filled by things other than the God who created us. One of the scariest verses of the entire Bible is given to us in Matthew 7:21: “I never knew you, depart from me”. Above all things, our Savior has placed the need for Him in our lives. When that relationship with Him is filled, other relationships will more easily fall into their proper place. Today, Pastor Don will deal with the subject of relationships – Relationships that begin with Christ, flow to the family and into our personal relationships with others. Welcome to the pulpit Pastor Don.