We have been studying the last chapter of the Book of Micah for our Wednesday night Bible study. Micah was telling the people of his day that they were about to be conquered and carried away as captives to the land of Assyria. When Micah looked out at his country, Israel, he saw evil openly displayed with “both hands”. God brought judgement against Israel in the year 722 BC. The same evil that was present in the days of Micah are now present in our world today. Because of that evil, this world will soon go into the worst judgement of man’s history. In Micah’s day, there was no way out, there was no rapture. However, in Micah 7:7, the prophet proclaims, “Therefore I will look to the LORD”. In our day and age, many Christians think that God will come and take them away in the Rapture simply because they darken the door of a church on Sunday mornings. Truthfully, in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 Jesus visited 7 churches – Only one church was found worthy to be raptured. Christians wake up! Our only hope today is the same as Micah’s hope – We need to “Look to the Lord and wait for the God of our salvation”.