Tomorrow is “Memorial Day” and on that day we remember those men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our “Freedoms”. The Bible teaches that “greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13). But, today is also Pentecost, the day in which we celebrate the birth of the “Church”. “We preach Christ, crucified”. The death of One man on a Cross, 2,000 years ago, has touched the lives of billions of people throughout history. No other single event is as important, or as impactful, as the moment that Christ, the Son of God, died for the sins of the world. The Church would have never been, had not that Man died on the Cross. This nation would have never been, had not that Man died on Cross. The lives of billions of people would never have been changed, had not that Man died on a Cross. The central theme of all Christianity is the death and resurrection of that Man who died on a Cross. Today and tomorrow, we will remember all of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, those who died for our nation. And, as we do, we will also remember the sacrifice through whom “the world might be  saved” by that Man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.