From Pastor’s Desk
We live in a world where bad things happen. Even as believers, we are often faced with the question, “does God not care about my situation”? “If indeed God is so powerful, why does He not do something”? Or, “is God asleep at the stern”? These doubts and fears are real and often hinder our very faith. Yet, our most famous of all the proverbs is, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”. Trusting is not a natural response to the human condition and there is often a thin line of “fear” between faith and action. In an emergency situation our faith does not call for in-action but rather, action without fear of the outcome. In our story today, Jesus used a real storm at sea to demonstrate three important truths. (l) In this world we will have tribulation. (2) When that tribulation does arrive, it is most beneficial to have Jesus “with us” – Jesus said, “Let go to the other side”. And, (3) If Jesus promises to take us anywhere, He is all powerful to do so and fear can only be erased by trusting in His steadfast love and His omnipotence to “take us to the other side”.
Pastor Basye