God. The consequence for violating even one commandment is death The wages of sin is death! But God wants us to live. However, God does not want us to “live in sin”. Therefore, God created a system for the Israelites that would cover or “atone” for their sins. This system of animal sacrifice pointed forward to the Messiah – The One whom God promised back in the Garden – The One who would solve the sin problem. In order to solve that sin problem in your life, you must have faith in Him and be willing to turn from those sins. The choice is yours! Today, we look at the only 2 choices that are given to mankind. Those choices are: “Life or death”. All of us can choose either life or death but life only comes through the Man, Jesus Christ. We must accept Him if we are to be saved from our certain death. Thus, God to says to all in Deuteronomy 30: 19, “Choose Life”. Choosing life does not simply mean “I want to live”, it means trusting in the One who can give you life, life eternal. “In Him  Choose life.  was life and the life was the Light of Men”.