Peace is knowing that while we were once sinners facing the penalty of eternal death, we can now have peace knowing that Jesus’ death on the cross has reconciled us back to our Creator (Colossians I : 19-20). When Jesus first appeared to His disciples after His resurrection, He stood in their midst and said, “peace be with you”. Earlier, before His death, He had told them that He would give them “peace not as the world gives” but it would be a peace that would “not let our hearts be troubled” (John 14:27). The Apostle Paul referred to this peace of which Jesus spoke as a peace that “surpasses all understanding” and a peace that would “guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. This peace is attained by having full confidence in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is a product and a reassurance of His presence in us by His Holy Spirit. This peace is lasting and is a free gift from the One who defeated death and removed the penalty of sin from all who believe in Him. Just as joy did not depend on happenings, peace does not change with circumstances of chaos. God’s peace is permanent – God’s peace is secure. Today let’s talk real peace.