Today, as we continue on our series, “The Fruits of the Spirit”, we arrive at the Fruit of Faithfulness. The root of Faithfulness is Faith – Faith in God. Habakkuk 2:4 states that “the just shall LIVE by faith and our very salvation depends on accepting God’s amazing grace through “faith”. Fatih by definition is “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence (proof) of things unseen” (Hebrews 11:1). When we walk faithfully with God (full of faith) we become “proof” or evidence of His existence. As He fills us with His Holy Spirit we are then given the gift of faithfulness and people see us (the believers) in a different light than those of the world. Faithfulness will shape us in the way in which we live. The faithful will submit all of their ways to God and the byproduct is a life of unfailing service to others. This quality, this fruit produced by the Spirit, is essential in our quest to be with God eternally. In fact, as the true church of Jesus Christ, we are described as the called, the chosen and the (Revelation 17:14). The faithful believer longs for the words ‘Well done, good and faithful servant;…Enter into the joy of your Lord.’ (Matthew 25:23)