As we were nearing our completion on the “Fruits of the Spirit”, terrorists brutely attacked the Nation of Israel. So, last week I attempted to expound on Biblical reasons for such hatred and the Parallel between the Church and Israel. Israel is rapidly approaching a horrific time of judgement called “a Time of Jacob’s Trouble”. The true church is rapidly approaching a time referred to as “the Rapture”. Today, I would like to look at a story concerning Jesus and a withered fig tree. Jesus saw a fig tree that had no fruit and He cursed it. For 2,000 years scholars have asked the question: “Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?” The answer is simple – It had no fruitToday, I ask the question: Is the Church becoming fruitless? If so, can we learn a lesson from the cursing of the fruitless tree? Someday Israel will have fruit on its tree but it will take the horrors of the Great Tribulation to wake them up. Jesus is also looking at us and He wants to wake us up. I find it sad that 5 of the 7 churches were not found worthy to be kept from the hour of trial that is coming against the whole world. Rather, only “One Church”, the Church found with Fruit will be kept from that Trial.