Believe it or not, “sin” came to us from the eternal realm. God did not create sin but rather God created beings with the ability to choose. God created the angel lucifer who was both beautiful and “perfect in all his ways” (Ezekiel 28, Isaiah 14). Then, using God’s gift to choose, he chose to be “like God”. This was the same proposal given to Adam and Eve Just do what God told you not to do and you shall “be like God”. Neither man or Satan has yet achieved “Godhood” but 6,000 years later they are still attempting. Today, satanism is on the rise and is even being offered as extracurricular studies in our public schools. The killing of unborn babies is being politically labeled as “women’s right to choose”. Perverted sexuality is being taught and displayed as normal behavior and children are presented with the option to change their very gender. Sadly, many pastors and churches worldwide are adopting many of these demonic social issues. The Bible warns us that “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. The churches today need to return to the true and living ‘God and once again choose to DO what He tells us to do – Anything else is “sin”.