The most important day of all human history is the day that our sins   were paid and mankind was reconciled to his Creator. So important is this day that God saw fit to place it as the centerpiece of His Word. There, in the center of the Bible, in Psalm 118, God wrote, “This is the Day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it”. This day was proclaimed in the Book of Exodus and the author (God) was very specific. Four days prior to that day (10 Nissan), the people were to select a lamb. They were to keep that lamb until the 14th day of Nissan and then sacrifice it at twilight. In the year of our Lord, Jesus of Nazareth rode into Jerusalem on Sunday, the 10th of Nisan (we call this day Palm Sunday). On that day, the people proclaimed Jesus as their Messiah. Little did they know that they were actually selecting the ultimate “Passover Lamb”. Four days later, on the 14th day of Nisan, Jesus, the Passover Lamb, was slain on the Cross at Calvary. By the way, four days from Sunday is Thursday, not Friday. Palm Sunday begins what  we call “Passover Week”. 

Pastor Bob will now walk us through this amazing week.