Gratitude toward God is the first true sign or proof of a changed life. Gratitude or thankfulness also accompanies true prayer. It is impossible to relate to God in any other fashion other than that of thankfulness. Thankfulness recognizes the awesomeness of God and His supremacy over our very lives. This recognition should always be the first part of our prayers. When Jesus was asked by His disciples on how they should pray, He said, “Our Father who is in Heaven Hallowed (Holy) is Your name. Then, secondary to God’s attributes should always be our recognition for that which He has done in our lives, past, present and future. Also, there are many benefits for thankfulness to God. The Apostle Paul encourages us to approach God with “Thanksgiving” and when we do, God gives us “peace which surpasses all understanding. As we celebrate our day of Thanksgiving, remember He is always there for us through good or bad – Have a Blessed and Thankful Thanksgiving Day!
Pastor Wayne