The Good News or “Gospel” was in fact, very good news to every man, woman and child. For those who accepted the Gospel and applied it to their life, how many are still walking in the goodness of the Good News Too many people today who are attending our churches have left their first love, have fallen into religious ordnances or even are now living a double life. Many people put on that “Sunday face” and come to church to get their weekly dose of Christianity/religion. But, have they forgotten that their original confession of faith required repentance? For those who might have fallen into carnality or some sort of religious lethargy, there is still great hope. God still loves you! God still wants to hear from you! Above all God still wants to spend eternity with you! To the Church of Ephesus, Jesus said, “I have this against you You have left your first love”. When did you first love Jesus? Was it not the very moment that you realized that He loves you and that He died that you might live? Indeed, today we will look back onto that which you may well have forgotten Today let us return to the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ and onto our first Love!
Pastor Wayne