A fruit is a thing that grows from a thing. The fruits of the Spirit are attitudes/behaviors that grow in a believers life when he/she remains in the Vine of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Growth in the Spirit takes time. Growth develops as our walk with Christ develops. Moment by moment, day by day, we as believers are given the choice to either follow the leading of the Spirit or the leading of the flesh. The way of the flesh is eventual death and the Bible tells us that those who “practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God”. Today, as we review the wonderful “Fruits of the Spirit”, we need to continually ask ourselves “am I following the leading of the Spirit or the leading of the flesh”. If your decision brings you peace, joy and comfort, you have chosen wisely. If your decision brings you pride, glory and no comfort you have chosen the flesh. Keep in mind that our natural state of being is to always choose the flesh. However, true growth comes from the Vine of Christ and His Vine produces fruits of:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.