The song, “Days of Elijah” proclaims that we are living in very prophetic times. Elijah was a prophet who was taken to Heaven without the assistance of an earthly death. He was “caught up” or “raptured”. Thus, the song is telling us that we also are living in a time whereby we might be caught up or called out very soon. The song also speaks of the Prophet Ezekiel. He was given the vision of the reestablishment of the nation Israel in the last days – Dry bones becoming as  flesh. Putting these 2 thoughts together will paint for us a very exciting picture. We are living in a time that has seen the re-establishment of the Nation Israel and we can feel in our spirit that we are so very close to being with Him. However, the promise to be with Him is only given to the “true church”. Today we will ask a very pointed question: Are you the true church? Paul asked the saints in Galatia “Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?” (Galatians 3:3). Too many people in the churches today are walking in the flesh rather than the spirit. Jesus says to the church Ephesus “Return to your first love”.