Rattle Snake


The small group of Jews that chose to return the land of Israel after 70 years were enthusiastic God-fearing believers. Their goal was to rebuild the temple of God in Jerusalem. In the first two years they worked hard and completed the foundation. Then, obstacles arose and enemies in the area applied pressure and the building project came to a halt. The people became spiritually lethargic and said, “The time has not come that the “LORD’S” house should be built.” and, for the next 14 years little or nothing was done on the temple. Then God sent prophet Haggai with a very strong message “Consider Your ways”. They wanted the blessings of God but did not want to “DO” – Rebuild the Temple of God. Today, God’s temple is not made of brick and mortar, but his Temple resides in our hearts. God’s message is still the same. “Consider your ways”. Much of the church today has become spiritually lethargic and our Temple often in need of repair. However, the command from God is the same. Today as it was in the days of Haggai – “Consider your ways”.