There is an account given in three of the synoptic gospels concerning a metamorphous or transfiguration of Jesus. In this transfiguration, Jesus is seen with Moses and Elijah on a high mountain speaking about His up-coming death in Jerusalem. Three of Jesus’ disciples, Peter, James and John witnessed this event and Peter testified to its reality in 2 Peter 1:16-18. Today as we look at this amazing event, we need to ask the question: Was Jesus only showing us His glory which was to come or was Jesus as “Son of man” showing us our future glory that is to come? I believe the answer is BOTH! Have you ever wondered why Adam and Eve only realized they were naked after they had sinned? Did they lose their clothing or did they lose something even more precious? On the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus, a man, was instantly changed. He became “clothed from within”. Could it be that our great ancestors Adam and Eve became naked when they lost their clothing of righteousness? Without God’s righteousness man stands naked before a righteous God Today, we look to the deeper meaning of the transfiguration of Jesus Christ – Can we ever regain that righteousness?