Have you ever considered what it means to be a child of the creator of the universe? Remember, we serve a personable God – A God who is near us- A God whose very Spirit resides in our hearts! We have a security in Him that cannot be violated by any enemy. We need not fear the things of this world for we walk by a Spirit of adoption by which we are viewed by our Creator as His child. As sons and daughters, we have authority over our house, and we are not seen as laborers or servants in the House of God- We are family members! We have the honor, even the family name when we tell people “I am a Christian”. We can go even to the Throne of God at any time because the One who is sitting on the Throne like us call Him “Abba” (Daddy or Papa). When we find ourselves in any situation, our Daddy is readily available. There is one small problem: As children, our Daddy expects us to bear His image and honor His words. Sometimes, that good Daddy might even discipline us. But, when He does, we grow even closer to the One who would even die – Who did die, just for us.
Pastor Wayne