As we continue on our series “Wokeness or Righteousness” we will leave the topic of sexual sin that is entering many of our churches today. Rather, today, we will focus on a new topic – The Sanctity of Life. Man is made in the image of God! Therefore, God takes a very dim view of murder. Murder by Biblical definition is the “shedding of innocent blood”. There is no blood more innocent than that of the unborn baby. Strangely, the woke Christian believes that God is on their side. They ask, how could a loving God deny a woman her “right to choose”? Not only do these woke Christians feel convinced of their position, they further rationalize that God created man and gave him the “right to choose”. What they fail to comprehend is that God did indeed create us to choose. He gave us the right to choose but that choice is between good and evil. God even came down from heaven to pay for all of our wrong choices. Wokeness erases all of God’s Commandments and reduces them to man’s decisions. The Bible clearly tells us that “Woe to them who call evil good and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20).