Today after service, we will be baptizing two people who have come to me asking to be baptized. I thought it apropriate to once again teach on this subject for today’s message. Did you know that the word “baptism” is not found anywhere in the Old Testament. Yet, upon the opening of the New Testament, the word is freely used by the Jewish community and a man named John “came baptizing”. Jesus, Himself was baptized by this man. There are three types of baptisms spoken of in the Bible: Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Baptism by John the Baptist and Water Baptism. The latter will be the subject of today’s message. Water Baptism is a commanded ordinance for all believers. Jesus wants us to identify with Him in both His death and His resurrection. Thus, when we go into the water and are fully immersed, we are symbolizing death to “self”. Wher we come out of the water, we are symbolizing that we are now walking in “the newness of life”. Jesus died and then Jesus rose to life! When w are baptized, we are saying to all those who are observing us, that “I chose to follow after Him who died and who rose for me”. Today, I will identify with my Savior, Jesus Christ.