Children Of God From the Pastor’s Desk Have you ever considered what it means to be a child of the Creator of the universe?Remember, we serve a personable God – A God who is near us – A God whose very Spirit resides in our hearts! We have a security in Him that cannot be violated by […]
He’s Alive! A great sermon about why we can believe in the Ressurection. By Paster Don
Hosanna Save Us! On the 10th day of the Jewish month of Nisan, an Isaelite by the name of Jesus of Nazareth rode into Jerusalem. He was coming to celebrate the Passover which would happen 4 days later on the 14th day of Nisan – The 10th day of Nisan was the day when all Jews were […]
Psalm 22
Clothes of Righteousness There is an account given in three of the synoptic gospels concerning a metamorphous or transfiguration of Jesus. In this transfiguration, Jesus is seen with Moses and Elijah on a high mountain speaking about His up-coming death in Jerusalem. Three of Jesus’ disciples, Peter, James and John witnessed this event and Peter testified to […]
Finish Well The song, “Days of Elijah” proclaims that we are living in very prophetic times. Elijah was a prophet who was taken to Heaven without the assistance of an earthly death. He was “caught up” or “raptured”. Thus, the song is telling us that we also are living in a time whereby we might be […]
Psalms Trilogy Psalms 22, 23 & 24 form a trilogy within the word of God. Psalm 22 is the story of a man who is dying on a cross, while Psalm 24 speaks of One who will “ascend to the hill of the Lord and stand in His Holy Place”. These are obvious pictures of our Savior, […]
The Most Loving Act Last week we looked at 7 doctrines of salvation: Forgiveness, justification, reconciliation, redemption, sanctification, newness of life and finally adoption as sons of the living God. All 7 are the work of God. “For by grace you have been saved THROUGH FAITH, it is a gift from God, not of works lest any man […]
Salvation Before moving to Arizona from California, Sandi and I spent 20 years in State Prisons preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We were evangelists and our number one topic was salvation. The definition of salvation is “the act of being saved”. Questions are immediately brought to mind such as: What am I being saved […]