Fruitless Fig Tree

fig tree with no fruit In the Garden man formed fig leaves together to “cover” their nakedness before a righteous God. This was man’s first attempt at religion. God, quickly clothed them in”tunics of animal skins” to show that only blood could cover or “atone” for sins. When the Nation of Israel was in its glory under the reign […]


Baptism Jesus Today after service, we will be baptizing two people who have come to me asking to be baptized. I thought it apropriate to once again teach on this subject for today’s message. Did you know that the word “baptism” is not found anywhere in the Old Testament. Yet, upon the opening of the New […]

What is Truth?

What is truth When bankers or retail clerks are taught how to identify a real $100 they do not study the counterfeit but rather the real thing. If you know the real $100 bill, the counterfeit becomes obvious. Last week my message was on the “Lie”, the counterfeit. My goal was then to move from the “Lie” […]

Parody of The Last Supper

Drag Queen lastsupper If you are not believing in the truth, you are believing “the Lie”. Todays message will look to a prophecy in 2 Thessalonians which will be fulfilled during the Great Tribulation and the reign of the anti-christ. However, the fulfillment will require the hearts of people to believe the “Lie”. long before this end […]

Consider Your Ways

Consider Your Ways Haggai 1:3-5 – 3 Then the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet, saying, 4 “Is it time for you yourselves in our era temple 01 God to dwell in your paneled houses, and this temple to lie in ruins?” 5 Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: “Consider your ways! […]

Bless and Be Blessed, Curse and Be Cursed

Jewish Star Our Christian faith has its roots in Judaism and the Old Testament is the platform of the New Testament. We often forget this very truth as we press forward in our Christian faith. Our Bibles actually call the Nation of Israel “the apple of God’s eye” and/or “His chosen people”. Yet, Israel has a […]

Life and Death

Life or death God. The consequence for violating even one commandment is death The wages of sin is death! But God wants us to live. However, God does not want us to “live in sin”. Therefore, God created a system for the Israelites that would cover or “atone” for their sins. This system of animal sacrifice pointed […]

Following Jesus

Following Jesus

Following Jesus There are many topics from which to choose to bring from the pulpit, none of which could be more applicable than today’s message. Anyone claiming to be a Christian but does not follow the teachings and directives of Jesus is very misled. Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3:17, “God did not […]