From the Pastor’s Desk
Paul’s letter to the Corinthians spoke concerning spiritual gifts, of which there are many. However, the 13th Chapter tells of a gift that is “the greatest of all”. That gift is “Love”. The Old Testament word for love is chesed (pronounced Hesed) and it is many times translated as “loving kindness, steadfast love, even mercy and/or grace”. These are all attributes of a loving God but seldom applied to mankind. However, in the New Testament, God, through His Holy Spirit, has now set up residency in the heart of every believer and God wants us to exhibit His Love to others. Thus, when writing to the Church on the topic of love, Paul used a word for love that seems un-natural. That word is “Agape” in the Greek and translated for us simply as “love”. Agape love, is a
selfless love. It is a love that expects nothing in return, it is unconditional. Jesus used this word when He said “love your enemy”. God expects for us to love in this manner and we cannot naturally do this. However, God’s Spirit that dwells within us “can”. We, must let that Spirit rule our very lives. So today, let talk Love – God’s greatest gift.
Paster Basye