From the Pastor’s Desk
No man knows the actual date or time that the Jewish Messiah, the Son of God, the Savior of mankind, Jesus, was born. We do know that He did come, and we celebrate His coming on December 25th each year. More importantly, it is not when He came but why He came. The “why” will take us back to the very beginning of all time — to a world that was created “without form or void.” It was created from darkness to light. Our Bible records that at the end of each day of creation, God pronounced that it was “good.” Upon the final 6th day, God created man and, on that day, God pronounced that it was “very good” — Translation: It was perfect. We, man, were made in the very image of a perfect God; therefore, we were perfect. We all know what happened to that perfect creation when sin entered the world. However, we are still left with a big “why.” Why did God allow His perfect creation to undergo thousands of years of sin and misery? This will be the subject of our new series:
“From Creation to Bethlehem” — From sin to perfection, From lost to found.