From the Pastor’s Desk

Yesterday was Yucca’s Veterans Day Parade and tomorrow will actually be Veterans Day. Veterans Day celebrates all those who have put on the uniform and were willing to serve our nation, even unto death. This nation is greatly indebted to our Veterans, many who have made the ultimate sacrifice which we celebrate on Memorial Day. We, as Christians, salute our Veterans for being the true Heroes who have given the people of this nation our very Freedom to live the American life. As Christians, and as members of a heavenly home even greater than the United States, we look to a Servant who not only has served His country but all of mankind. We look to a servant who has put on the uniform of human flesh and has left His throne in Heaven – Who was willing to give His life and bear our sins. We look to the One Servant who can, and still does, protect us from the whiles of the enemy of our very souls. This Servant’sname is Jesus! This Servant from Heaven is likened unto our earthly Veterans who protect our earthly lives, only this Servant, this Veteran, is actually building a room in His Father’s House just for us.

Pastor Wayn