Our current series is “Walk to Bethlehem”. This walk began in the Garden with the pronouncement by God that He would solve the problem of sin through the “Seed of the Woman”. Man’s seed or blood was “flawed”. So, last week we followed the blood of innocent animals throughout scripture. God used that blood to “cover or atone” for man’s sin. Eventually, at the birth of Jesus, man’s blood or seed would be replaced by God’s seed into a virgin named Mary. Thus, this week we will follow the development of that virgin birth throughout the Holy Scripture which culminate at the birth of our Savior. It was not the actions of the woman that brought sin into our world. God holds man accountable! Romans 5:12 clearly tells us that “sin entered through Adam”. It is interesting to note that by the second generation of man, murder was already being committed as Cain slew Able. When the third son, Seth, was born, God made it very clear that he was born in the image of Adam – A fallen man. Humanity’s only hope would come through the plan of God and through the seed of the Woman – A virgin who “knew not a man”.