When man sinned in the Garden, they found themselves “naked” before a Holy God. They attempted to cover that nakedness with “fig leaves” to cover or atone for their sin. Before leaving Eden, God replaced those fig leaves and provided Adam and Eve with the “skins of animals”. Some innocent animal had to die and give up its “blood” to atone for the sin of man. Until the promise of God to send the “One” into the world who would “bruise” or crush the head of the serpent (satan), God would allow the blood of innocent animals as a covering or atonement for their sins. When God brought the children of Israel out from the bondage of slavery in Egypt, He instituted a “Feast of Remembrance” called “Passover”. At Passover, a “lamb” was slain to cover or atone for their sins and they were told to recount or remember their delivery from the bondage of Egypt. At the last Passover (Last Supper), Jesus proclaimed that He was that Lamb and that we, the church, should remember Him. We call this the “Lord’s Supper” or simply “Communion”. Our sins are no longer covered or atoned – Our sins are paid by the Blood of the real Lamb, Jesus Christ