Ask not what your God (Country) can do for you, ask what you can do for your God (County). Next Saturday is Veteran’s Day – A day set aside in our society when we remember all those who put on uniforms and swore allegiance to defend our great country. But, today is Sunday, a day when we typically gather to worship the God of creation. There is an amazing similarity between the role of the veteran and the God that we serve. Both have stood in the gap and have been willing to die for YOU. Jesus, as we all know did in fact pay the ultimate price that we might experience true freedom. While the veteran assures our liberty and protects our freedom in this physical world, Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross assures us of eternal freedom from the ravages of sin. The world in which we live today is rising once again against our values and even our Christian faith. The Bible tells us that in these days there will be “wars and rumors of wars” (Matthew 24:6). These wars will be fought by those who serve – The Veteran. The ultimate war, the war for our very soul has already been fought and won by the Veteran of all Vets, the Lord, Jesus Christ.