4,000 years ago, God called a man named Abram (Abraham) to the Land of Canaan (currently Israel). God gave (promised) that land to Abraham and to his descendants (nation of Israel). God said, “I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you” (Genesis 12:1-3). God chose Israel as His representative to all mankind but repeatedly Israel failed as all men do. Therefore, God removed Israel from this land 3 times and He brought them back 3 times. God used the horrors of the Holocaust and WWII to massively re-establish His people in the Land of Promise and they will never be taken from the land ever again. In fact, the number one proof for the existence of God can be found in one word – Israel. Unfortunately, Israel rejected God’s Son as their Messiah and for that reason, a time is coming upon them called “A time of Jacob’s Trouble”. All Old Testament and New Testament prophecies point forward to this time of Great Tribulation. In the end, true Israel will accept Jesus as their Messiah and serve God for eternity here on earth. What we are seeing in our news today is a prelude of that which is soon to come.