Just as true love (Agape) does not depend on reciprocal love, joy does not rely on favorable circumstances. Joy is not happiness – Happiness depends on happenings while joy is the result of knowing that Jesus is in control of your entire life. Joy is a product that is developed in all true believers through the power of the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit is conforming us into the likeness of Christ, who, “For the joy set before Him endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2). If we are to be Christ-like, then we should understand the words of James when he said “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials” (James 1:2-4). How many times do you stop to thank God when your tire goes flat or you catch a severe cold or worse? Did you know that failure to be joyful is actually a sin? Indeed, joy is a Fruit of the Spirit and anything not of the Spirit is of the flesh – Anything of the flesh is a sin. We cannot conjure up true joy, however, we can pursue the things of God and earnestly seek first His Kingdom. Step back in every situation and realize that God is in control. Today’s Fruit is Joy.