This great land of ours, including the entire world, is headed for the greatest disaster ever known to man. Jesus said of this “day” that unless those days were shortened no flesh would survive. It will be horrible and catastrophic! In such a time, where should the children of God be found? That question has been answered many times in the word of God. God has shown His people that the victory of such an existential, overwhelming global threat can only come from our Creator. The word “salvation” is used in the Old Testament to exhibit how God has a way of moving things around and changing emanate disaster into a glorious victory. Today, Rob Hooper will walk us through one of God’s recorded miracles – The story of King Jehosaphat, King of Judah. We all need to pay close attention to today’s message and forget about the political party to which we belong. There is but one way to move from annihilation to victory. It will not come through anything of this world. It will only come through our faith in the only One who can save us – Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.