Last week we ended by saying that “through the seed of Abraham all nations will be blessed”. That seed of Abraham was developed through the Nation Israel. God allowed this Nation Israel to grow while in slavery in Egypt for 400 years. Then, when the TIME was just right, God sent a deliverer, Moses, to lead His people out of that slavery and into the Land of Promise. The night before they left Egypt, God sent the “angel of death” who passed through the land. Any household not having the “blood of the Lamb” on its doorpost would suffer the death of the first-born son. This event was called the Passover and was the picture of the beginning for God’s timetable. That timetable would extend from the sacrifice of the true Lamb of God (Jesus), to exactly the right time when the sins of man were paid. God’s timetable did not stop there. Fifty days later, at exactly the right TIME, God sent His Holy Spirit to guide and to comfort those who have put their faith in the true Lamb. Only through the acceptance of the true Passover Lamb will mankind live eternally and be blessed through the seed of Abraham.