How many of us who are in Christ are struggling with a sin or sins that we though were long since gone. The Apostle Paul, the man who wrote 2/3 of the New Testament, shared this same experience – One of struggling with sin. He said that in his flesh, “nothing good dwells”. And, many times his flesh caused him to do evil (wrong) rather than good. Paul’s desire was to always do good but the sin that lived within him caused him to do that which he did not desire to do. Paul calls himself a “wretched man” and asked, “who will deliver me from this body of death?” The answer is of course “Jesus, our Lord”. When we come to Christ, He comes to us. He places His Spirit in our hearts. However, we are still made of sinful flesh and there is a war ongoing between the flesh and the spirit. The problem with many believers is that they do not feed or walk with the Spirit that is within them. Rather, it is the flesh that gets fed. Recognizing those times that we spend feeding the flesh and ignoring the Spirit will identify the struggle that is within us. And, this will be the subject of today’s lesson – Are we  struggling with sin or are we practicing sin?