When God called Abram (Abraham) from the City of Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the Land of Canaan, He made a very straight forward statement. God said, “I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you”. So many professing Christians today who claim to have accepted the Jewish Messiah into their life have forgotten where they stand regarding the Nation Israel. Abraham’s seed is the Nation Israel. The promise of His blessings flowed from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob and then to his 12 sons who became the 12 Tribes of Israel.
Christians be careful! Make no mistake, we are called to support Israel. Today, we once again welcome Dr. and Pastor Richard Hill and his wife Oanh. These two have dedicated theirs lives to blessing the Jewish community with the greatest blessing ever given to mankind – The Gospel – The Good News that their Messiah came – Their Messiah died for their sins – Their Messiah who is also our Messiah wants to spend eternity with all of His creation. Our job as Christians is to support  Israel and stand behind those who do.